Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today I´ve been thinking what am I doing here. What´s my purpose here, it seems nobody wants to listen about God, that is boring stuff... some days I feel quite useful, other days I struggle to find my mission. Probably because I´m not really convinced of my mission! but yeah, God takes care of that for me, He reminded me, again, that is only about little meaningful things: smile, say "yes you can" or "you did great", ask "how are you today", show kindness, be patient, accept I can´t change others just because they should, but I can be a good friend to them.
Here is something I read today in the adventist volunteer magazine. It made me think of friends who want to become missionaries, and it motivated me to have a different approach towards my job.

One year for the Lord is your decision
One year to share the Gospel commission
One year as a teacher in a land far away
One year away from friends and family to stay

One year in the classroom teaching little girls and boys
One year sing, dance and play with puppets and toys
One year to see the light of understanding grow
One year to lead them and their path to show.

One year with adult students to meet
One year to lead them to the Master`s feet
One year a life time of friendships to make
One year lots of memories to take.

One year and your life will be changed
One year your old self for a new self exchanged
One year of hills and valleys and such things
One year of knowing the joy overcoming brings.

One year of being led by the Master`s hand
One year of knowing He had it all planned
One year for you in the country you chose
One year perhaps two (perhaps 3 is my case), only God knows.

By Calene Williams, who returned home to Trinidad and Tobago earlier this year from her most recent volunteer assignment to Japan.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Sé amable, pero no fácil.
Sé digna, pero no orgullosa.
Ríe, pero no a carcajadas.
Mira, pero con recato.
Sé tierna, pero no flexible.
Sé alegre, pero no frívola.
Conversa, pero con mesura.
Sé dulce, pero no empalagues.
Ama, pero con cautela.
Oye, pero no siempre creas.
Sé mujer, pero no muñeca.