Sunday, January 28, 2007

God is awesome!

"Ama a Dios con ternura, y Él te concederá los deseos de tu corazón"
Hoy comprendí esta promesa. Vale la pena tenerlo como prioridad en tu vida!


Anonymous said...

es algo que no siempre tenemos presente.

Anonymous said...

amiguita!! este verano hubiese sido atroz!! si tu no estuvieras!!! jiji...un besito grande para ti.. no olvides que te kiero mucho

rAnita nOe said...

muchas muchas felicidades por lo de la tesis.. me alegro mucho! ahora a disfrutar! besos

RoMa said...

Gracias Noe!
Claudita, y yo? si ustedes no hubiesen aparecido en el momento justo, yo creo que estaría con depresión, eso si q es atroz! jeje. Besitos para las dos.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chito!

Long time...I actually was going to email you and send you my blog pictures. I forgot that I had sent it to you. I miss you girl! So you are almost done:) Yeah for you. Well, if all goes well, David and I will get off Grand Cayman Island and be going to Miami where I will do my 5th semester and then start my clinicals. If you end up in the US, please let me know. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU:)

David and I had fun in Europe for 3 weeks. It is very expensive there. But it was an unforgettable experience. We spent Christmas in Budapest, Hungry and then New Year's in Paris, France. Someday soon when I get a chance I will send you an email.

Love ya and talk soon!

Julie Hernandez